Hmm...Vamsi the name itself shows the identity of telugu films....the way he presents the artits on the screen, d way he shows the nativity of village people mind set, d way he express d kind of feeling which shows d realistic atmosphere on the screen....
few days back one of maa uncle told me about the book "Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu" which was written by director "Vamsi"...I had already seen these stories in Swati Telugu Weekly Magzine.....didn't read it.....I was excited to read d buk wen maa uncle told...So I went to one buk store & saw the buk which was too expensive....I didn't expect dat much price....At last I got the buk frm maa uncle who told me abt these stories....

Cuming to buk "Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu" it was a buk dat contains a lot of stories which shows the nativity of Godavari Villages as well as the innocence, intelligence, kind hearted, over intelligence of villagers....not only about the people there r some stories about celebrations in d villages as well as about some customs & traditions followed by d ppl at their villages....
Some names in thoses stories will got into maa mind daily....I was not able to judge which one is gud & which one is bad....out of 72almost all d stores hav different variations....damn sure it was a difficult task to you to judge which one is gud/bad....some stories are real some may created....but here espicially in dis buk d created stories r like very realistic & natural...
Cuming to art work in d buk...the work was done by "Bapu-Ramana" who are famous telugu directors...the way they presented d art work in d buk was really awesome...don hav words to express their intelligence....
I used to read alot of buks but dis one is very special to was a great feeling when I'm reading the bok....the characters came into maa mind....d way vamsi created them naturally....there are some stories named "Jakkam Veeranna", "Chitamma Chepala Pulusu", "Kalidhindi Raju Gari Katha", "Rama Sesha Reddy Gari Indra Bhavanam", "Pichi Veera Raju", "Aarani Poyyi", "Munsabu gari Gurra Bandi", "Maa Chellayetha Mogudu", "Cinema Shooting Gollu Vacharu"....cant forget these stories in ma life.....
At the end of the there are some words written by some people...out of them I liked the words which were written by are them...."Paluku naina Kaakapothini Pasalapudi Kathalalo.....kalamu naina kaakapothini aa kathlu kurisina sudhalaku....."

IF you have to time I suggest you to read this book...damn sure you will nevaa forget these stories in your life.....hope the journey of vamsi may go in a gud way of giving us a gud books like this....Waiting for "Diguva Godavari Kathalu" which was the next book of Vamsi....Hope this buk also gives us a gud stories like "Pasalapudi Kathalu"...:-)